
51 – Wandsworth, London, England



51 – Wandsworth, London, England

Two-Way Match


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Online: More than 6 months ago

Modified: More than 6 months ago

Mobile number not yet verified.

In His Own Words

About him

Profession: media

About his ideal match

What His Friends Say

Melissa said...

Marky Mark Mark Mark. More aptly known as G-Roov to many.

Ladies, he's well read, well bred, well fed (meaning he's a damned good cook, but more on that later), well travelled, well styled, well liked and well... just well cool!

Ridiculously witty, terribly (and when it comes to golf, apparently very terribly) sporty, outrageously funny, rather dashing and super intelligent. And that's just on Mondays!

Mark knows all the cool places to hang and hang he will. He loves a good night out and can party with the best of them until all hours of the morning. Dining in some of London's finest establishments is a favourite pastime of his, but, at the same time, he also likes nothing better than to chill at home with a nice glass of wine, a home cooked meal, watching a dvd.

He's uber-domesticated (lovely mum taught this one well), a mean cook and has wowed many a guest with his cracking Sunday lunch.

Mark is an extremely loyal friend and very family oriented. He's honest, genuine, warm-hearted and is always the first to lend a helping hand whenever a mate or family member is in trouble (he's gotten me out of a few jams). Kids love him (he will make a fab dad one day!) and he has an uncanny ability to charm mums.

Mark's partner in crime needs to be a someone who is classy and girly but who is equally comfortable hanging with the guys, watching sport and shooting the breeze. She's got to be intelligent and funny and be able to keep a witty repartee going over a couple of glasses of red. Princesses, drama queens and game players need not apply.

He's a true romantic with a heart of gold and will put the right lady up on a pedestal and make her feel like she's the only woman in the world.

He's also a ladies man (in that he appreciates the fairer sex). He loves women and women love him.

So go on girls... what are you waiting for?

About him

Country of origin:
United Kingdom
Wandsworth, London, England
Star sign:
5' 7" (170cm)
Body type:
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Hair colour:
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Eye colour:
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Relationship Status:
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Looking for:
Just online friends; Activity partners; Friends; Let's see what happens; A short-term relationship; A long-term relationship; Marriage
Have children:
Want children:
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Daily diet:
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Arts / Music / Writing
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Home language:
Other languages:
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About his ideal match

Mark_1834 hasn't yet supplied information about his ideal match.
  • Not important at all
  • Slightly important
  • Moderately important
  • Decidedly important
  • Non-negotiable

More about him

Mark_1834 has not yet answered any of the optional questions that would tell you more about him.