
52 – Barnet, London, England



52 – Barnet, London, England

Two-Way Match


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Online: More than 6 months ago

Modified: 20 November 2014

Mobile number not yet verified.

In Her Own Words

About her

Hate these things! Ok, I'm divorced, amicably, have three stunning children whom I adore, I used to be a chartered accountant (so not me, I'm just quite good at passing exams so I sort of fell into it.) & I now have my own cake making business which I have built up on my own & am utterly proud of & very passionate about. My house is always full of cake which, let's be honest, makes it very popular. So if you like cake, I guess I'm a good person to know!

I am a happy, sociable girl who loves to spend time with friends & go out & generally have fun. I also love doing stuff with my kids, but I totally appreciate my down time when they are with their dad. I love cooking when given the opportunity & so it follows, I love entertaining & having a house full of people. Going on holiday always puts a smile on my face, I love sunshine & I love water (not the stuff you drink, the stuff you can swim in &waterski; in!) I am pretty active, swimming, running, working out, the usual, but I also like to relax with the papers, a great book or movie. Much as I enjoy being out, you also can't beat evenings in & snuggling on the sofa with a glass of wine, good movie & good company.

Personality traits, I am a real perfectionist, ridiculously organised, very romantic, rarely sit down, I like to be busy, I think too hard about most stuff, I'm a loyal friend, I'm a caring person & like showing that. I'm also very capable of switching off & being chilled. Wear my heart on my sleeve, I'm talk a lot but I listen well too

What am I looking for? Someone who I really click with. I'm kind of bored of being on my own now...One day I'd really like to be with someone who puts a smile on my face, makes my heart race and who makes me feel truly loved and adored, safe, secure and settled and part of a team. Life is to be enjoyed but life is also to be shared. Chemistry, cheekiness, good banter, intelligence, confidence, a challenge, someone to keep me on my toes…but not mess me around either!

Profession: I make fabulous cakes

About her ideal match

What Her Friends Say

Michelle said...

What can I say about my gorgeous friend Natalie? Actually plenty! There is never a dull moment in her company, she is just as happy getting all dressed up for a night on the town as she is in the house in a track suit - and still looks gorgeous! Whenever you go to her house you will be greeted by the most amazing smells coming from the kitchen, she is a fantastic cook! She is a happy vibrant person to be around and would make a great catch, she is definitely one you could bring home to your parents. She puts 110% into everything she does. I hope she meets someone really nice and dare I say worthy of her. You must not be afraid of spiders, and be a willing cake taster....!!!

About her

Country of origin:
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Barnet, London, England
Star sign:
5' 6" (168cm)
Body type:
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Hair colour:
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Eye colour:
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Relationship Status:
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Looking for:
Just online friends; Activity partners; Friends; Let's see what happens; A short-term relationship; A long-term relationship; Marriage
Have children:
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Want children:
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Daily diet:
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Home language:
Other languages:
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About her ideal match

Natalie_0240 hasn't yet supplied information about her ideal match.
  • Not important at all
  • Slightly important
  • Moderately important
  • Decidedly important
  • Non-negotiable

More about her

Natalie_0240 has not yet answered any of the optional questions that would tell you more about her.