
39 – Watford, Hertfordshire, England



39 – Watford, Hertfordshire, England

Two-Way Match


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Online: More than 6 months ago

Modified: More than 6 months ago

Mobile number not yet verified.

In Her Own Words

About her

I dont like doing this so am using my info written by a friend on another site :)
Jo was added by Becky, who thinks she is..
Becky also had this to say about Jo...

So, my flatmate Jo is, quite honestly, entirely too awesome to remain single. Men of London, you really need to do something about this!

Jo is crazy, outgoing, fun, gorgeous, and one of the most kind-hearted people I know. I met her for five minutes when viewing our flat - before I knew it I was on her sofa with a cup of tea, box of maltesers and being dragged on a shopping trip. She can be very spontaneous and is always on the go (at times she reminds me a bit of the energiser bunny!) and always up for doing something whether it's going out for dinner, kicking ass at the pub quiz (the woman is a trivia machine) or exploring new parts of London! Behind the outgoing awesome nuttiness, however, she's a total softie and is never too busy to do things for her friends. She also cooks some mean Greek food when the mood strikes her, and once made front-page of a national newspaper (nothing dodgy, but a nice conversation starter for you there, boys!)

Jo works as a teacher and is super-modest about the amazing job she does with some challenging kids, always downplaying how bloody hard she works and genuinely cares about the kids in her class. It also means that in addition to getting awesome holidays she comes home from work with stories beginning 'So, today we made cheerio sheep...' (Which usually beats our stories about work!)

When she's not working, winning pub quizzes or making cheerio sheep, Jo can usually be found hanging out with her family and friends. She also really loves her cars - her one true love currently being her Lotus Elise - snowboarding and playing pool. And she may kill me for writing this bit, but Jo also has a bit of an inner geek, getting fiendishly competitive at Scrabble and secretly quite liking Antique TV programmes...

So come on

Profession: teacher

About her ideal match

What Her Friends Say

scarlet_7325 hasn't asked any friends to write a recommendation yet.

About her

Country of origin:
United Kingdom
Watford, Hertfordshire, England
Star sign:
5' 6" (168cm)
Body type:
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Hair colour:
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Eye colour:
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Relationship Status:
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Looking for:
Let's see what happens
Have children:
Want children:
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Daily diet:
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Arts / Music / Writing
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Home language:
Other languages:
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About her ideal match

scarlet_7325 hasn't yet supplied information about her ideal match.
  • Not important at all
  • Slightly important
  • Moderately important
  • Decidedly important
  • Non-negotiable

More about her

scarlet_7325 has not yet answered any of the optional questions that would tell you more about her.