
39 – City of London, London, England



39 – City of London, London, England

Two-Way Match


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Online: More than 6 months ago

Modified: More than 6 months ago

Mobile number not yet verified.

In Her Own Words

About her

I'm really enjoying living in London, seeing the sights and making most of all the big smoke has to offer. I moved here for my job and am now very settled into the London life... 6 years on still feel a bit like a tourist but slightly less bemused than I used to.

I'm not naturally athletic (to say the least...) but do try to drag myself out on regular runs (slowly) and go to the gym few times a week, can also be found marauding up and down the swimming pool on occasion! I love being outdoors, preferably walking a dog or riding a horse but it’s not essential and am happy just mooching around the countryside!

Love venturing up and down mountains when I get chance. What I lack in skill for such things I make up for with enthusiasm...! I’m a “have a go harry” so game for a challenge if nothing else! Latest trip being the Atlas Mountains which is definitely a tale in itself...think helicopter rescue... :-/

Very high up on things I love are open fires, dogs, G&Ts;, escaping for weekends in the country and baking...all very rock and roll...

I really love my work, find it challenging, rewarding and a huge privilege. When not at work I enjoy letting my hair down whether that be swirling round the dance floor, supping a G+T in a relaxed bar or just pottering around at home baking some unhealthy delights! Family and friends are so precious and I'm at my happiest when catching up with them wherever they are (scattered around the UK!).

Right that's plenty of talk about me! Would be lovely to meet up for a date or two so if anyone's interested, drop a line?!

About her ideal match

What Her Friends Say

Carly said...

Where do I start with Jem? She is our little gem, a shining star and a beacon of friendship who would be a catch for any man out there - but only if you're good enough!

Jem is funny, witty, good company and gorgeous to boot (though she doesn't believe it!). J loves her job, but equally likes to chill out in her downtime - exploring what London still has to offer (after 6 years here), often with a G&T in her hand and a smile on her face. But chilling out for Jem is often what some would find extreme: her recent escapades - sorry, I mean holidays - have involved a trek up Ben Nevis and a meander up the Atlas Mountains! So you can't be sitting on your backside if you want Jem's attention - she throws herself into everything she does 100% and that's what makes her a much better person than I. What she deserves is a man that will treat her with respect, embark on crazy adventures with her and, ultimately, be an equal in a fun and committed relationship.

I have faith in the men of the Internet to step up and whisk our Jemzy off her feet, even though she is dubious in their suitability - I am engaged to my boyf after 5.5 years together so I know this online stuff works! So prove Jem wrong and take her on a wonderful first date that leads to many more...

About her

Country of origin:
United Kingdom
City of London, London, England
Star sign:
5' 0" (152cm)
Body type:
Ask me later
Hair colour:
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Eye colour:
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Relationship Status:
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Looking for:
Let's see what happens; A long-term relationship; Marriage
Have children:
Want children:
Ask me later
Daily diet:
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Arts / Music / Writing
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Home language:
Other languages:
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About her ideal match

Jem_9699 hasn't yet supplied information about her ideal match.
  • Not important at all
  • Slightly important
  • Moderately important
  • Decidedly important
  • Non-negotiable

More about her

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